That's A Wrap For Book 2!

Great news, everyone! 

I have finished the editing and revisions phase for my upcoming book, This Hole Was Made For (You And) Me. I started the formatting phase (one of my favorite parts of publishing) yesterday, and hope to be finished by the weekend. I still need to name a few chapters, write an afterword, and tie up a few other loose ends.

When I first started revising, I worried I wouldn't be done until late October, which is the absolutely worse case scenario, as the book is scheduled to release early November. But I really knuckled down and got my ducks in a row.

Part of why I thought this would take longer was my goal of writing an additional 20k words. That plan sort of fell through, as I couldn't justify doing so without adding unnecessary filler. However, I did manage to add two new chapters (roughly 10k) to the pot, in addition to filling out some scenes that desperately needed it.

All in all, I'm really pleased with the book. And thanks to Atticus, I was able to properly format the texting scenes. It wasn't immediately obvious, I'll say that much, but a few minutes of tinkering fixed that. Unfortunately, the relevant scenes don't come up in the first few chapters, I also didn't want to overdo it, either.

So what comes next, you may ask? Well, once I'm done with formatting (and bar future tweaks), I'll look into getting the print books ready. I'd love to do hardcovers at some point, but I haven't quite figured that one out yet... But while I wait for paperback proofs and dabble with hardcovers, I'll go back to writing chapters for the web serial. Book three won't be out for at least a year or more, while I revise season four. It's at least 40k, but I can expand on that by a lot, while tweaking some loose ends.

Future seasons and books will be longer. But again, I'll worry about that later. There's an unrelated short story I want to finish, and I still have to finish editing and revising three unrelated books...

But it's going to be so worth it!