Taking A Hiatus

Don't worry, I'll be back soon!

Taking A Hiatus
Photo by Dingzeyu Li / Unsplash

I've been editing The Threads That Weave for the last two months, with some minimum writing for Last Train Home. I have a small backlog of chapters drafted, but it will be a while before I actually publish any.

And that's because I'm planning on switching focus to prior seasons of Last Train Home. I already have a cover, which I'll reveal in a few weeks. I'm currently debating on setting up a pre-order for book two, but my track record has been...less than satisfactory. Plus, I don't have a set publish date in the mind, and don't want to risk reprimand from Amazon and other stores. Might set it up on my shop, where I have full control.

One of the biggest things I have to revise for this second book is length. The word count comes up shorter than the first, which was a combination of two seasons. I decided to just stick with the one for this book, with plans to combine the latter two seasons for a third book. 60k is short for a fantasy novel, I know, but it's the bare minimum I have set for these books. Future books will ideally be on the longer side, but I can't promise anything.

I am a fan of things being as long as they should be, after all.

I'll also be taking this time to plot out how I want future seasons and books in Last Train Home to progress. So far, Meike has come in contact with many colorful characters and new locations, but haven't fully addressed their needs and desires. And we've only seen two seasons at this point (summer and autumn).

As much as I would love to jump right back into the story, realistically it might not continue until early next year. I have other books to edit and revise, after all! But I'll continue drafting new chapters for Last Train Home in the background.

And wouldn't it be nice to have two new books released close to each other, even months apart?

That's it for now, but I'll keep y'all updated if things change.