Not So New Horizons
A return to hosting subscriptions on my own site.
General topic but mostly encompasses my experience as a writer.
A return to hosting subscriptions on my own site.
Kindle Vella
Not permanently, just switching focus to other platforms.
January went by fast, but I got a lot done and have a lot more planned!
A list of writing goals for this year. I'll be editing it as I go along.
Just a summary of my achievements this year, and plans for 2024.
Thinking about starting my own digital garden.
Just talking about my writing plans for this month, along with the new 4thewords event.
Kindle Vella
Some updates on current Vellas and future plans.
Tired from a combination of school and work, but still writing and loving life!
A short post about some theories I had.
Kindle Vella
As mentioned in an earlier post, 2023 has been the best year for Vella (for me), and I joined the program at launch, back in 2021. My first bonus was less than $50. Now my average is $600 a month. Not much to live on, but it helps pay bills and writing expenses.
HRT, therapy, and antidepressants are helping me complete writing projects.