September Word Count

September Word Count
Photo by Hannah Domsic / Unsplash

September was an interesting month, because I logged over 30k words.

However, there is the fact that most of the words logged for this month were from edits and revisions. And speaking of edits...forty chapters in total, for This Hole Was Made For (You And) Me. Keep in mind that I later condensed these chapters into 25.

A graph depicting 34,765 words for September. The highest was 2k on Sept 15.

8k of those words came from unrelated stories, though I also added at least 10k to This Hole. So that's roughly 18k of new words for the month of September! Still a lot, in the grand scheme of things.

I can't say October will be any different, as I plan on editing and revising my shifter thriller. That one will need quite a bit of work, as it's polished in some areas, but rough and untouched in others. I checked and was pleasantly surprised to see I had over 80k words for it (so far)! Like with all revisions, that may increase or decrease. Only time will tell.

I'll be finishing my short stories between all this, as one short focuses on a side character, Darya, and her family in the same year the book takes place. While not directly related to the story, it does shine some light on Darya's personal life.

And that's a story I could talk about for days, but I'll save that for later. Subscribers will get early access, as usual.