Prepping for Wide Release

My longest running serial will be out in ebook and print this summer!

A corgi standing before a ruined train.
A corgi standing before a ruined train.

See the original post here.

I started Last Train Home in February of 2022, and I've come a long way since then. The series currently has 70 episodes out, with over 74k words (and counting!). That's an entire book, and roughly 60k of that will be included in the ebook and print editions.

Yes, it's coming to book format! The entire first two seasons and extended scenes, and some bonus chapters from Anniken's POV!

I started edits mid March, but haven't gotten far. The biggest thing I've done so far is combine smaller chapters into bigger ones. They were 900 words on average, now they're closer to 2500. So in the end I combined some 30 odd chapters, going from 60 to 30. That's subject to change along edits and the addition of Anniken's chapters.

That said, I'm not entirely sure when the book will be available. I'm aiming for June or July, but I want a new book cover before I start taking preorders. The preorder itself will be short, maybe two weeks at the most. I've had bad luck in the past with preorders, but I know a few people would be interested in this one. Plus I'm putting it up for $2.99 before setting the final price to $4.99.

Were I doing this season by season, it would be $2.99. Unfortunately, I can't afford to do so right now; book covers are expensive!

I'll keep you posted for now, but the hype is real!