March Word Count Update
A fun graph to display my writing progress so far this year.
I got a lot done last month, despite juggling so much biology homework and my day job. The biggest is writing those last few chapters of my Voracity WIP. Nothing huge, as I still have to write the final chapter and epilogue, but that puts me so much closer to finishing this draft!
My word count for that WIP was just over 9k, a much smaller number than my overall count for that month. Book 2 of Early Adopter tapped out at nearly 13k. The count displayed below is inaccurate, as I counted my word count from the other projects in the yearly goal. It's not an even split however, as some of those words in the yearly are unique.

Total word count for the year so far is 70,874 out of 400k.
Early Adopter and Last Train Home will be my main focus for April and going forward, though I' haven’t had the mental bandwidth to focus on either as much as I would like to. I’m stretched very thin at the moment, and can barely make time for video games! Here’s hoping I find a part-time job I can tolerate by summer…my classes end in May, thankfully.