July Word Count

We had a nasty storm and power outage that lasted three days...had to toss out the contents of our fridge and freezer, which wasn't fun. I think many Ohioans had a similar experience, and had to chuck recently bought groceries.

My partner was especially disheartened to part ways with their frozen chocolate raspberries.

Despite all that, we made the best of it, and I even managed to get some writing and editing done in those three days! But we aren't here to talk about this month, but July:

A spreadsheet of my progress for July, showing an average of 1500 words a day, the highest being 4500.

I wrote close to 31k in July (30,780 to be exact), which is 9k more than June. I feel so much better about my progress than I did June, where I floundered a bit. Looking back at this year as a whole, I can see that July is my worst month so far. January came close, but I can forgive that because it was the first month and gave me a good metric to work against.

Will I match or surpass that for August? Only time will tell, but the least I can do is try.