It's Been Awhile

(Since I last wrote a newsletter)

I've been busy with school and work, on top of just having a ton of irons in the fire. Wish I could say I had more time, now that it's summer and classes don't start again until late August. And speaking of classes...

There are two in person classes I need to take for my major, but I haven't been able to sign up for them (yet). So I predict having less time in the future, but I'll still find time to write. But that's a problem for Future Me.


I wanna open this up by announcing a "new" short story!

A Knight To Remember is a short story set in the Last Train Home series, from Anniken's POV. It was originally offered through Ream, but I'm opening it up to others outside the platform. It's over 5k and focuses on the origin of a sapphic pairing.

I hit a very big milestone this year! And that's the completion of a book I've been working on. And that book is the second in the Early Adopter series. The first draft, anyway. I'm currently letting it sit before going back and doing revisions, and then I'll see about contacting my editor for advice and proofreading.

The book is longer than the first by...15k or so. There are at least two different POVs (Ryn and Shae), and I am considering adding a third. It depends on what the book needs, and this third POV might just be a one off, not sure. Overall, I love how far the book has progressed, despite some scenes that might not make the final cut.

I know one criticism I've gotten so far has been about the lack of insight into Ryn's backstory, which I hinted at in the first book. Ryn also sort of makes a friend or two in this book, which isn't common at all for them. But that's all I'll say for now.

I also wrapped up an old WIP I've been kicking around for the past 10+ years. It's my urban fantasy set in New York, with shifters and a darker tone, including involvement with the Russian mafia (or Bratva), PTSD, and more. Definitely not a beach read. That one will need a good editor, cause I really want to do it justice, and I have someone in mind.

And then there's the book I'm currently editing: The Threads That Weave. This one was originally posted on Kindle Vella, but I've since taken it down. The goal is to have it published by Halloween (or on, for funsies). Once I'm done with the editing process, I'll probably shift gears back to Early Adopter. Or lean into a new book I've been meaning to's hard to stay focused sometimes, but I'll try!


Not much to report here, thankfully. I've been reading a mix of horror and children's books. The Redwall books are a great change of pace from the grimness of Stephen King's Bachman books, in particular. I read the Long Walk recently, followed by Mariel of Redwall as a palate cleanser.

I'm currently working my way through The Talisman, which I learned has some connection to The Pagemaster movie (another childhood fave). I've learned a lot from The Losers Club podcast, and plan to reread It in preparation for their episodes on the book and adaptations.

Other than books, I've been enjoying several podcasts (including the aforementioned Losers Club), such as Divergent Conversations, Depresh Mode, Ghosted! by Roz Hernandez, and Gender Spiral. Divergent Conversations has been my go to for unwinding after work, since it's so nice to hear other autistic voices after being in an allistic environment for nine hours...

There are others, but those would be better served in a separate post. And speaking of posts...I participated in Weblog PoMo last month, where you write a post a day. I recommend checking it out to learn more about my other hobbies and interests.

Weblog PoMo Kick Off!
My first post in the WeblogPomo! Here, I discuss an audiodrama I’ve been vibing with.