Goals for 2024

A list of writing goals for this year. I'll be editing it as I go along.

Scrabble tiles that spell out: plan, discipline, and goal
Photo by Brett Jordan / Unsplash

An Accountability Post?!

I know some people like setting resolutions for the new year, but I've grown to appreciate goals more. They're pretty obtainable, assuming you pick something within your grasp.

I listed some writing goals in my end of the year post, but it'll be easier to contain everything in a separate post for the year. If things go really well, I could have five books published by November (rough timing, I know). At the very least I'll have three out, two of which just need edits and covers.

So, without ado:

  • Finish drafting my shifter thriller WIP (long overdue).
    • Ideally have it revised, edited, and published by the end of the year.
  • Draft, edit, and publish the second book in the Early Adopter series.
    • I plan on tackling this next!
  • Draft the second book in the St. Acton series.
    • Partly outlined!
  • Edit and publish the second book in the Last Train Home series.
  • Edit and publish The Threads That Weave in ebook and print.
  • Upload a few other books to Ream.
  • Write 400k words by the end of the year.
    • At 7,437/400,000 as of today.