August Word Count
Last month was interesting, as I also did quite a bit of revisions for The Threads That Weave. I didn't keep a strict tally of the words I added for that book, but at least 10k. There were a few chapters in dire need of fleshing out and revisions.

Aside from revisions, I also drafted some scenes for an unrelated short story, and chapters for Last Train Home. If I had to round down, I'd say I added 35k new words, and the rest came from revisions. Pacemaker makes it easy to track changes, thankfully. They have a tool called "Text Change Calculator".
Can't recommend them enough!
Revisions and edits for The Threads That Weave went really well! While I don't have a cover or set date in mind, I would love to release it just in time for Halloween. I might just skip preorders for it, to be honest.
For September, I'll be focusing on season three of Last Train Home. That will be book two of Last Train Home, now available for preorder. Thankfully this one is mostly clean, as I recently edited many of these chapters. The biggest task is revising the early chapters in the mine, along with adding...20k words? Something like that.
I'm more than halfway through my 400k goal so far, with less than 180k to go! Definitely doable, but I might lower next year's goal to 360k. Writing 1500 words a day is a big ask, after all.